(I will probably use this lesson in my unit. I thought it was a great lesson and wanted to share. It intergrates Biology Lesson on frogs [do this lesson right before we dissect] and also a history lesson on stained glass.)

Materials: black construction paper, white glue that dries clear, hair spray, chalk pastels, examples of stained glass (pictures), and examples of frogs (pictures)
Summary: Using the glue for the boundary or edges of the drawing and the pastels to create the
image; you can create a wonderful stained glass piece for little to nothing in materials.
1. Talk about the different types of frogs and show them different pictures (Biology).
2. Then do a short lesson on the importance of glass right here in WV (History).
3. Have the students think about which frog they would like to learn more about. Then have them sketch these ideas and images on plain white paper.
4. Once they have an idea worked out in their head, they can start to redraw (with more specifics based on their frogs) their frogs on the black construction paper. (A white pencil or crayon works best, but a plain #2 pencil will work too.).
5. Once they are finished with their drawing, have them trace the outside of it with the glue. This will take about a day to dry.
6. When the glue is dry, have the students color in between the glue lines using the chalk.
7. Once they are finished, you can spray the picture with hair spray to hold the chalk to the paper (do this outside).
8. They then have a nice piece of their own artwork or stained "glass" piece.
I thought this would be neat to put outside the classroom on the wall or even on a window in the classroom. Great lesson and easy to do! Please share with others.